Your ads may take several business days to appear. Please keep in mind that since the ads are supported by third parties, LUXVT doesn’t have control over when they are posted.
To sign up for Weekly Activity Reports, click on the "my listings" tab in the menu, then "manage listings" for the property you want to receive the report for. Scroll down to the campaign assets section for the listing, and click on the "Activity Report" Icon.
On the next page, you will be able to sign up for the reports with up to 3 emails.
These reports give you a breakdown of how many hits your listing’s website, MLS, Youtube video, and Facebook link are getting each week. Show this to your client so they know your advertising is working.
If you have a client or colleague that wants to receive these activity reports, simply add their email to the report list.
If you need a detail changed on your ads, please
Submit A Request. Please allow 2-3 business days for changes to appear on your syndicated ads.